What started as an introductory global health course and scouting trip have now blossomed into a non-credit bearing course, a project course, final year projects (FYP) and more!
SIGHT Camp is a semester-long non-credit bearing activity in Fall Semester. Students will confront the real health-related problems in low-resource communities presented by NGO or government partners. They will be empowered with mindsets and skills to innovate health technologies for low-resource settings. The selection of student members is based mostly on students’ commitment to SIGHT and the skill set matching with SIGHT projects, rather than academic performance. We believe the best solutions come from radical collaboration of people from different disciplines and backgrounds. Not simply technical focus, but also sustainable implementation and a human touch! All majors welcome!
Students who demonstrate strong commitment to projects in SIGHT CAMP will receive an award and certificate and be provided all necessary resources, lab access, and staff support to implement their ideas in a credit-bearing project course (ENGG 4930A) in spring.
Students who demonstrate strong commitment to projects in SIGHT CAMP will receive an award and certificate and be provided all necessary resources, lab access, and staff support to implement their ideas in a credit-bearing project course (ENGG 4930A) in spring.
ENGG 4930 - Design for Global Health
Intensive team projects that focus on designing technology innovations for global health problems. Student teams are expected to build prototypes, implement solutions, and derive improvements based on feedback from NGOs and end-users in partner communities. Project course is given 3 credits each for fall and spring semester, and students are given the option to repeat for credits.
Selected students from ENGG4930A will take part in an overseas study trip, in which they visit the low-resource communities served by partner NGOs. The trip will be packed with on-site observations, data collection, interviews with stakeholders, and intensive brainstorming sessions. The students will also serve the underprivileged by conducting health workshops and implementing the products already developed in the prior semester. At the conclusion of the trip, the teams will present to partner NGO and receive feedbacks, and summarize their experience in learning portfolios.
Selected students from ENGG4930A will take part in an overseas study trip, in which they visit the low-resource communities served by partner NGOs. The trip will be packed with on-site observations, data collection, interviews with stakeholders, and intensive brainstorming sessions. The students will also serve the underprivileged by conducting health workshops and implementing the products already developed in the prior semester. At the conclusion of the trip, the teams will present to partner NGO and receive feedbacks, and summarize their experience in learning portfolios.
SIGHT Scholar Scheme
The Student Innovation for Global Health Technology (SIGHT) Scholar Scheme first started out with the support from the Equal Opportunities Foundation and is now generously aided by the Seal of Love Charitable Foundation, where undergraduates work on their self-proposed healthcare projects as full-time interns locally or overseas. So far our Scholars has been to Cambodia, Indonesia and of course Hong Kong!
All UGs are welcome to come to us with their ideas and see how far they can go with it! For interested students please submit a proposal detailing your ideas and plans.
All UGs are welcome to come to us with their ideas and see how far they can go with it! For interested students please submit a proposal detailing your ideas and plans.
SIGHT Final Year Projects
As our projects progress and develop, some of them move to become final year projects. We are grateful to collaborate with the departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBME), Computer Science (CSE), Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT) and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE).
SIGHT Leaders
For students who went through our SIGHT experience and still want more of it, they can apply to become SIGHT Leaders to become even more involved with SIGHT. From peer-mentoring to innovation training, our SIGHT Leaders contribute to the projects and development of the SIGHT family.