In the midst of midterms we are stepping up a gear here at SIGHT Camp, moving away from cardboard this time and onto various tools to help our Campers with their project ideas.
From software to hardware, from apps to 3D modelling to 3D printing, we had it all in these two weeks. Our SIGHT Leaders Davy and Rubaiyat showed the Campers the ropes of Thunkable, a software prototyping tool from MIT; Andrew from the Rooftop Republic set the teams up with Canvanizer; Malinda went through 3D modelling and printing & Joel went over the basic machinery of saws, drills and milling machines.
From software to hardware, from apps to 3D modelling to 3D printing, we had it all in these two weeks. Our SIGHT Leaders Davy and Rubaiyat showed the Campers the ropes of Thunkable, a software prototyping tool from MIT; Andrew from the Rooftop Republic set the teams up with Canvanizer; Malinda went through 3D modelling and printing & Joel went over the basic machinery of saws, drills and milling machines.